Churches and Art in Arezzo

one of the Etruscan capitals


Arezzo is situated in the confluence of three valleys which together with Valtiberina form the whole province. Arezzo was born before the Etruscan time and it was one of the first Etruscan town. During the Roman time, Arezzo became a symbol of the Roman expansion in the North. Arezzo is also an important Medieval centre, so, today people commemorate it with the Giostra del Saracino.

Details of the Tour


Half Day
Full Day




140 € (HD)
260 € (FD)

Among all the things people should visit in Arezzo, there are several reasons why its churches certainly play a fundamental role. First of all, because they depict a part of the history of Arezzo, which goes from the age of the communes to the 20th century. Secondly, because they can show us a great variety of architectures: from the Romanesque one, to a more or less marked Gothic one, to the Renaissance one, to the ones characteristic of the 17th-18th century. Lastly, even though this might be the main reason for tourists, because of so much art (not only in terms of quantity, but also of a high value) present inside the curches of Arezzo.


In this regard, it is necessary to mention: the Basilica of Saint Francis, which attracts many tourists thanks to Piero della Francesca's wonderful frescos; the Duomo with Guglielmo de Marcillat's glass windows done during the 16th century, with one of Piero della Francesca's Virgin Maries, with Della Robbia's altarpieces and with even more; the Parish Church of Saint Mary, which conserves Lorenzetti's altarpiece and other works of art that look like jewels set in its breath-taking architecture; the Basilica of Saint Domenico, where the extraordinary crucifix painted by Cimabue, "framed" by the many frescos painted on the walls, stands out over the altar; the church of the Badia with several works of art belonging to the 16th-17th century, among which there are two that were created by Giorgio Vasari; the Curch of the Santissima Annunziata; the Church of Saint Mary in Gradi and the one of Saint Agostino. In addition, in the surroundings of the city there are extraordinary churches, such as: the Parish Church of Bagnoro, the Parish Church of Saint Polo, the Parish Church of the Chiassa Superiore, and the Parish Church of Sietina


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